dvojnajazvjezda wrote in ihasatardis Nov 14, 2011 22:22
4 armageddon factor, 3 claws of axos, 6 timelash, 4 destiny of the daleks, 7 remembrance of the daleks
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Oct 23, 2010 23:41
3 terror of the autons, 3 daemons, 3 claws of axos, old skool, companion: jo grant, one episode a day, 3rd doctor era, 3 mind of evil, master!delgado, 3 colony in space
breenwood wrote in ihasatardis Oct 19, 2010 23:30
one episode a day, 3rd doctor era, 3 claws of axos, old skool